
Mining Sector


Sectors: Mining Sector


PROLAW IBERIA, with over two decades of experience, has been consistently providing counsel to both national and multinational corporations primarily engaged in mining and related activities, with a clear vocation to provide comprehensive services in all branches of law that concern the mining activity ( administrative, tax, subsidies, environmental, as well as commercial, in relation to the sale and purchase of mining companies and assets).
We offer a range of services on a regular basis, including but not limited to:

  • Legal advice in administrative, contentious-administrative, criminal, and civil proceedings related to mining, environmental and land management issues.
  • The preparation of legal audits regarding the assignment and transfer of mining rights and assets.
  • Comprehensive legal advice regarding the obligations derived from concessions under the Mining Law and its Regulations.
  • Supervision, control, and maintenance of the legal status of mining concessions.
  • Preparation of legal opinions and reports on any matter related to mining concessions and compliance with the Mining Law and its Regulations.
  • Processing of research and exploration permits, exploitation authorizations and concessions, authorizations for the transfer of mining rights, environmental impact assessments, etc.
  • Advice and planning in merger, acquisition and restructuring operations of groups of companies whose main activity is mining.
  • Tax planning in the purchase and sale and transfer of companies and assets related to the mining sector, as well as companies and groups of companies with non-majority participation or interests in the mining business.
  • The design of the legal-economic strategy in operations of assignment of mining rights and purchase and sale of mining assets, with comprehensive advice in the negotiation, drafting and signing of the corresponding contractual documents.